Our Mission
Balancing work and life can often be very difficult, thus leading to women always taking the back seat in terms of Career, to see their family succeed. These women, who do an amazing job in supporting their family, raising tomorrow's leaders and shoulder countless responsibilities, have amazing leadership and organization skills, which they learnt "on-the-job", while running their house. The secrets to returning to workplace shouldnt be gate-keeped when especially there are zillions of jobs in the market, and also there are dedicated programs where employers have created programs in place to train and hire people, who wish to return to work, after a significant gap in Career.
Our mission is to empower and connect these women with the right resources to succeed and aid them in the process of returning back to work.
If this speaks to you, feel free to reach out to me at tnabanitade@gmail.com and join our team.

Nabanita De
Founder and CEO
I am a 27 year old tech entrepreneur. I currently work at Uber as a Security Engineer and in my free time, I love to take up world's big problems and try to come up with a solution using tech. In the past, my work on detection of Fake News have been published on over 90% news publications worldwide and I was invited to Forbes Under 30 Summit by the Forbes Team.
Masters in Computer Science, UMass Amherst
Bachelor of Engineering, Computer Science, BITS Pilani